

Why is training important?

Technology has increased the complexity of construction – more education is required. Construction companies want craft professionals to reach a standard level of competency or have it when they are hired. The NCCER credential earned from training is often required by industry for job site or hiring consideration. Forty-two percent (42%) of the workforce needs some form of occupational certification.

Training and NCCER credentials increase earning potential and upward mobility. Industry credentials and training benefit students and potential construction employees as they seek employment and build careers. Consider the benefits of training. Research shows for every dollar invested in training, the following benefits occur:

  • Productivity Improvement 11%
  • Turnover Decrease 14%
  • Absenteeism Decrease 15%
  • Injury Decrease 26%
  • Rework Decrease 23%

A $1.00 investment in training can yield $1.30 – $3.00 in benefits. Enhanced craft training is where safety training was 15 years ago. Safety improvements garnered much attention then, and efforts to improve the skills of the industry’s work force are now receiving similar attention. Improving safety resulted in large payoffs and continuing to emphasize safety is the right thing to do. Evidence exists that craft training pays off just as well.

Construction Industry Institute (CII), The University of Texas at Austin

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